Gelert Garden Farm Great Grandma's Bean Seeds

Gelert Garden Farm Great Grandma's Bean Seeds

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$3.85 CAD
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$3.85 CAD
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Pole. My Great Grandma Ridsdale grew these beans before her passing in 1933. Grandma Ridsdale continued to grow them over the next 50 years or more. Aunt Nancy (her daughter) also began growing these beans and still plants them each year.  They have now been grown by the Ridsdale family for over 90 years.  We are pleased that the deer got a smaller share this year and we have seeds available for others to try. This vigorous pole bean reaches 8-10', keeps producing until frost kills the plant.  Large flat, purple striped, green beans up to 10" long with 1" wide pods. Could be a large seeded Rattlesnake type, but the Rattlesnake that I grow, have a smaller plant, pods, and way smaller bean seeds.